Sunday, December 21, 2008

Autophotography Project for School

So this is just something I did as for a final project in one of my classes. If it sounds a little's because I had to incorporate some theory into what I wrote! haha! The writing is an introduction and conclusion to the video.

Every person has a uniqueness about themselves that makes them an individual. We all have our own little quirks or mannerisms that make us have a personality like no one else. I am my own person and there will never be another quite like me. If you know me and take a look back to when we first met, you’ll be surprised because I seem like a different person; you’ll realize how much of an individual I really am. Here’s just a little glimpse of my unique and very odd personality that you would never see from the surface.

I’m pretty darn blunt, and that’s just me
You’ll have to get over it, why can’t you just see.
You can’t convince me to do things I don’t want to do,
I’ll put my foot down and give my opinion to you!

At a glimpse you’ll think I’m really mean
But I’m not much of a drama queen.
Your first impressions aren’t always right
You’ll never know, we could be tight.

You may think I’m stuck up cuz I won’t talk to you
But really I’m shy because you’re new
Sometimes I’ll just sit and observe or stare
You’ll think I’m weird cuz you don’t care

But if you take the time to know the real me,
You’ll get surprised at what I can be.
You’ll see a girl who doesn’t care what others think,
Someone who will always be there as your strongest link

There won’t be a need to convince me anymore…
I’ll do what you need even if it’s hard core.
Cuz I’ll do the things I don’t wanna do,
If it just means I’m helping you

I’ve got facial expressions like you wouldn’t believe,
And I’ll make you laugh if it helps you succeed.
I’m short and sassy and I don’t take crap,
But I’ll always be here cuz you’re my chap

But if you don’t take the time to know the real me
You’ll miss-understand everything you see
You’ll be missing out on a really good friend
Who will always be there till the end.

For you to understand and truly see,
You’ll have to take time and get to know me.

If you would have just passed me by and not taken the time to get to know me, you would still see a shy average girl. You would never know how opposite of average I really am. You would never have known that I play the guitar, play soccer, or that I care about my friends and would do anything for them. You would never know that I love my family and want to be the best example for my cousins. You wouldn’t understand my quirky personality or my crazy facial expressions. You wouldn’t have known that maybe you and I are a little alike. Perhaps this little glimpse of my personality has scared you away because you think I’m way too much to handle and you may be right.

Just looking at these pictures or reading my poem isn’t enough for you to truly understand me. All it does is give you a little pre-view of what is under my surface. If I were to look at myself through your eyes and view how you see me, when you look at these pictures, you may see just some silly, random girl. However, in order to find my real personality, understand my sense of humor or find the great person that I can be, you have to interact with me. You have to try to know me and try to understand me because I am very different than the shy, silly, random girl you think you see.

Trust is extremely important to me; in order for me to allow someone to see the real me, I have to feel like I trust them. I won’t let you see me as I really am because you just won’t understand if we don’t have a relationship of trust.

Part of my personality is that I don’t trust people right away. However, I am willing to trust anyone who shows me they deserve it. I want everyone to see the person that I really am, but only if they are ready and interested. Through interacting with me and showing me that you care, I’ll slowly begin to open up. I’ll give you a little part of the real me in small doses to test and see how much you can really handle and how you react. I may start by showing a bit of my sense of humor. Depending on how you receive my humor and respond, I’ll decide if you are ready for more or if you’d be better off not knowing that part of me because you don’t understand enough about me. Sometimes I have to keep myself in check and make sure too much of the real me isn’t showing, so I don’t overwhelm or offend those who are new to me. But trying to be only a small portion of myself gets exhausting and I just want to be me, without having to cover my unique personality.

People who really know me and see every part of me are rare. Only a select few have shown that they care enough and have tried to fully understand me. Many of these individuals are friends and family members who are pictured with me. They get me and see me in a positive way that builds up how I see myself. They know that I love to sing and dance and can’t sit still. They know I say the most random pointless things to make them laugh. They know how I can’t spell, how I’ll forget what I’m saying mid-sentence and how easily distracted I really am. They know I’ll do anything to help them. They know I’ll always be there to support them no matter the circumstance. They know I’m blunt and will always tell them my honest opinion. They know my insecurities and flaws. They know who I am and love me for being so unique.

Once you know me, you’ll see I’m so much more than meets the eye. The pictures of me won’t just be silly and random anymore. You’ll see those pictures and say “haha that is sooo Cheri!” You will understand the meaning behind the words of my poem and the personality behind the unique individual in the pictures. You’ll forget about that shy girl you saw on the surface, because all you will see is the real me.